Glossary of Terms

AFAB Assigned female at birth (see sex assigned at birth)

AMAB Assigned male at birth (see sex assigned at birth)


Cisgender Individuals whose current gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth.


Estradiol (oestrogen) 

Gender References gender identity, expression, and/or social gender roles, including culturally tied understandings and expectations.

Gender-affirmation Recognition or validation of a person's gender identity, encompassing social, psychological, medical, and legal dimensions.

Gender-affirming (health)care Includes medical interventions such as hormone replacement therapy as well as therapeutic interventions and counselling 

Gender-affirming surgery (GAS) Surgery to change sex characteristics to affirm gender identity - e.g. top surgery, breast augmentation, bottom surgery, facial feminising surgery

Gender binary The concept that there are only two genders, men and women, and the expectation that everyone must be one or the other.

Gender diverse Describes people with gender identities or expressions different from social and cultural expectations for their assigned sex at birth.

Gender dysphoria  Distress experienced due to a discrepancy between gender identity and sex assigned at birth.

Gender expansive Broadening socially and culturally defined behaviours or beliefs associated with a particular sex.

Gender expression How a person enacts or expresses their gender in everyday life.

Gender identity A deeply felt, internal sense of gender which may or may not match the sex assigned at birth. 

Gender incongruence A diagnostic term for a marked and persistent experience of incompatibility between gender identity and sex assigned at birth.

GnRHa (puberty blockers) 

Intersex Individuals born with sex or reproductive organs or genitalia that do not fit typical binary definitions of male or female. Intersex people may also be trans+. 

LGBTQ+ / LGBTQIA+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Ace + other identities on the LGBTQ+ spectrum

Misgender(ing) Using language that does not correctly reflect the gender with which a person identifies. A common microaggression experienced by trans+ people. 

Non-binary An umbrella term for gender identities outside the traditional male and female binary. Some non-binary people will also identify as trans. 

Sex assigned at birth The status of male, female, or intersex based on physical characteristics at birth. Sex assigned at birth does not always correlate with gender identity. 

Sexual orientation  Sexual identity, attractions, and behaviours concerning people based on their gender and/or sex characteristics.


Trans+ We use this term to refer to transgender (trans), non-binary and gender diverse people

Transgender (trans) Umbrella terms for people whose gender identities and/or expressions do not align with their assigned sex at birth.

Trans men / trans masc Individuals with male gender identities who were assigned female at birth.

Trans women / trans femme Individuals with female gender identities who were assigned male at birth.

Transition The process of changing one's gender expression to match their gender identity, which may include social, hormonal, or surgical changes.

Transphobia Negative attitudes, beliefs, and actions concerning transgender and gender diverse people.


Anne’s Response: NHS England’s proposed implementation of the Cass Review


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