Ready to join Anne Health?
Signing up to a membership with Anne is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Decide which membership is right for you
Choose from Standard, Transfer 12, Transfer24, Youth, or Pre-Medical, based on your age and where you are in your transition. If you’re still unsure, find out more about our membership plans on our membership pages, or speak to a member of the team on our #AskAnne helpline or webchat.
Click the button to join
This will take you to the payment page managed by Stripe, our partner payment platform where you can pay securely.
Pay the £200 joining fee
Pay by card, PayPal or Klarna. With PayPal and Klarna you have the choice to spread the cost of the joining fee over 3 months, interest free. Find out more about spreading the cost of your joining fee payment here.
What happens then?
Complete the Intake Form
Once you’ve paid the joining fee for yourself or on behalf of your child, you’ll be given a link to complete the Intake Form. This is a detailed form asking for medical history, gender history (including any supporting documents), emergency contact details and patient ID check (including a form of photo ID and proof of address). Don’t worry if you don’t have all of the information available right then - We’ll also send you an email with a handy link to the intake form, so you can fill in all of the information when you’re ready.
Membership Check
The Anne clinical team will check that the type of membership you’ve applied for is right for you and that you’ve supplied all required information. If they have any questions or need any further information they’ll get back to you.
Subscription Setup
Once all checks have been done (typically within 48 hours) an email will be sent to you asking you to set up the monthly subscription payments. The amount will depend on the membership plan you have signed up for.
Invitation to Book Intake Session & Blood Test
The Anne clinical team will send an email inviting you to book your Intake Session with a member of the therapeutic team. They will also let you know what blood tests are required. You can then either book the necessary blood test with your GP or via our partner lab.
Book Doctors Appointment
Once the intake process is completed and all blood test results are received, you will receive an email with instructions on how to book an appointment with the endocrinologist.
If you still have any questions you can contact our friendly admin team with your questions between 9-5pm Monday - Friday on the #AskAnne Helpline and webchat
We ask for proof of identity in order to verify the ID of the patient to ensure that all patients are who they say they are and to prevent bad-faith actors.
We prefer photo ID but will accept a copy of one of the following:
Driver’s license
National identity card
Birth certificate
Bus pass
Bank statement
Student card
Residence permit
Military ID
Adoption Certificate
Marriage Certificate
We can also accept expired photo identification from the above list as proof of identity if you don’t have any current photo identification.
If you have changed your name by deed poll please provide a copy for our records.
Please provide a copy of one of the following documents dated from within the last three months to confirm your current address.
Utility bill (for example: electricity, gas, water, phone)
Bank or credit card statement
Council tax bill
Mortgage statement
Tenancy agreement
Official Government correspondence (e.g., tax letter, benefits letter, National Insurance letter)
Medical letter (e.g. GP letter, hospital appointment letter)
We realise that young people under 18 may not have many forms of photo identification. We’re happy to accept an expired passport, or a student photo ID card if nothing else is available.
If you are joining Anne Health to get access to puberty blockers, we would advise applying for a passport for your child if they don’t already have one, as they will need to be able to travel in order to legally obtain the hormone blocking medication.
If you are seeking to update your child’s passport to align with a new name and/or gender marker, we can provide the required letter to support the gender marker change with the HMRC Passport Office as part of the Youth Membership plan.
While we can’t guarantee that medication will be prescribed, it’s rare for us to be unable to provide medical support.
Any decisions about prescriptions are made by our experienced endocrinologist, who has over 20 years of expertise in gender-affirming healthcare. As part of the intake process, he’ll carefully assess your needs and concerns to determine the best medical pathway for you.
On the rare occasion that we’re unable to support your medical transition after the intake process, we’ll guide you towards other supportive organisations and resources, including counselling. You’ll also have the option to cancel your subscription, even if you’ve committed to a 12-month agreement.
We’re here to make the process as straightforward as possible and understand that everyone’s transition journey is unique.
To proceed with the Transfer 12 or Transfer 24 Membership, we require evidence of your previous treatment. This can come from a variety of sources, as we’re happy to work with you to review different types of documentation.
Here are some examples of what we accept:
Previous session reports
Past prescriptions or treatment reviews
Proof of previous subscription (e.g., your first and most recent invoice)
Any other relevant documents (e.g., emails from your healthcare provider)
Recent blood test results, if available
If you’re unsure about what to provide or have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our helpline or on email. We’re here to help.
The process currently takes about 10-12 weeks. However, we hope to make this shorter as we identify additional qualified medical doctors to work with.
Terms and Conditions:
Membership is non-transferable and is intended for the named member only.
Please note that fees are non-refundable unless otherwise approved by our team. It is important to remember that we reserve the right to revoke membership in cases of misconduct. For your own security, it is essential to keep your login information private. Rest assured, any information you provide us with is kept strictly confidential. By being a member, you will receive our communications regularly. Do keep in mind that benefits associated with your membership may be subject to change, with advance notice provided. We highly value your feedback, so please feel free to share any thoughts or concerns with us. By continuing with your membership, you agree to abide by our terms and conditions.