FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

I am under 18. Can I join?

Yes! We support trans+ people of all ages to access counselling and well-being support as well as gender-affirming medication. 

For all patients under the age of 18 we need a parent/guardian to support your application and to be involved in the intake process. 

You can read more about our membership options here

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

Is Anne registered with the CQC or other professional standard bodies?

Although Anne is based in the UK we are not registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Anne adheres to WPATH SOC8 and the Endocrine Society guidelines for gender affirming care for trans+ people of all ages.

Our clinical team are based outside of the UK however they all maintain membership of their appropriate professional regulatory bodies and hold their own indemnity insurance.

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

If I have a query, how soon can I expect a reply, and from whom? 

You can email us here.

We aim to answer all email queries within two working days. Our current working hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. We do not routinely work evenings, weekends or bank holidays. 

Your query will be passed to the most appropriate member of the team (e.g. Accounts, Patient Services or Clinical Team). 

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

Where is your team based?

Our therapeutic and admin teams are based around the UK and EU. Our doctors are based in the EU or EEA. All of our doctors and our clinical and therapeutic teams are all registered with their professional bodies, highly experienced and qualified in their respective fields. 

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

Can you outline the intake process with Anne from first contact through to receiving treatment and the approximate time scales for each step?

We have designed the Anne intake process to be as accessible and user friendly as possible, each of the steps are outlined below. 

  • Pay Membership Application fee on our website

  • Complete the medical intake form and upload any supporting documents

  • Intake form reviewed by our team

  • Receive email confirming membership details

  • Set up monthly subscription on our website

  • Book counselling intake session/s and arrange your blood tests

  • Blood tests reviewed by our clinical team

  • Book a medical intake session

  • Prescription arranged if appropriate

We aim to complete the intake process in 4-6 weeks, however this will vary depending on your circumstances. For example, the number of intake sessions required, your availability for sessions, how your blood tests are arranged and how you will receive your medication.

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

Why do you need to verify my identity?

We need to complete identity verification checks for patients and/or anyone who is paying for a patient’s care (for example a parent/guardian). This is integrated into the medical intake form and is common practice for online healthcare services. 

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

I can't afford membership. Can you help me?

Anne is run as a not-for-profit organisation and we are planning to offer a means-tested membership as soon as we are able to.

Please sign up to our newsletter and follow our social media for updates on when this will become available. 

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

Would I be assigned a team or specific clinician?

Our team works very closely together and all relevant information is stored in your electronic patient record to ensure continuity of care. For example, medications, allergies, blood test results and session reports are all stored in your record. 

We have multiple counsellors available for intake sessions, follow up sessions or pay-as-you-go counselling. You can choose which counsellor you book your sessions with.

You will be seen by one of our doctors as part of the intake process and they will review all your information before writing a prescription. If you have a Shared Care Agreement we can provide a named doctor for your GP to contact. 

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FAQ Lizzie Jordan FAQ Lizzie Jordan

What happens if I don’t pay my monthly subscription?

If a payment fails the payment processor Anne uses will automatically try to take payment again. If this then fails, our Accounts or Admin team will contact you by email. 

If you are having financial difficulties, or a payment has failed due to an issue with your card,  please get in contact as soon as possible. Our email address is hello@anne.health

However, if you default and do not respond to any communications we will need to take action. Our Terms and Conditions of Service show in detail the obligations that you enter into when you join Anne. If you break that commitment then we will initiate our rights as set out in the terms of service to recover any part of the subscription that is contracted but not been paid.

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