Example Patient Profiles

Here are some examples of people using Anne’s services to support their gender healthcare needs

14 year old trans girl

Angela socially transitioned 18 months ago and has been with a private provider for a year

15 year old trans boy

Lance socially transitioned 5 years ago and and wants to start his medical journey

65 year old trans woman

Anna socially transitioned 15 years ago and has been with a private provider for 4 years

32 year old non-binary person

Charlie socially transitioned 3 years ago and has been with a private provider for 6 months

56 year old trans man

Jake socially transitioned four years ago and has been with a private provider for over two years

29 year old trans woman

Josie socially transitioned just over a year ago and wants to start her medical journey

26 year old non-binary person

Eddie socially transitioned 9 years ago and has been with a private provider for 6 years

10 year old non-binary person

Harri socially transitioned 3 years ago and is still exploring their gender identity.

48 year old trans man

Frank socially transitioned 10 years ago and has been self medicating for 8 years

*Medication costs are based on current prices and are subject to change. Medication is not provided by Anne and has to be paid for by the patient.

**Blood test costs are estimated based on a standard treatment plan and no medical issues found. The price for each person will be dependent upon their circumstances, medication levels and stage of their medical journey.


Josie, 29 year old trans woman

Treatment history: Josie socially transitioned just over a year ago and wants to start her medical journey.

Membership Option: Standard Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Josie clicked the link to join Anne Health. They then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire.

  • A team member reviewed her questionnaire and agreed she needed the Standard membership option. She was sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription. 

  • Following receipt of the payment, Josie received a link to book her blood test and intake session/s with a member of the therapeutic team.

  • Once she had completed the intake process and we received her blood test from the partner lab, Josie was sent a link to book an appointment with the doctor.

  • Josie attended the session with the doctor, and they recommended medication in the form of tablets to block testosterone and promote feminisation. 

  • The doctor issued a prescription, and Josie chose to have her medication delivered to her by one of the partner pharmacies.

  • The pharmacy sent her a payment link, which she paid, and her medication was posted directly.

  • She will have another blood test and doctor's appointment in four months. If she wishes to, she can have check-ins with the therapeutic team at four and eight months. Prescriptions will be issued as needed.

Example estimated costs for Josie

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 joining fee + £150 pm£2000
MedicationProgynova 2mg tablets
Cyproterone 50mg tablets
Blood testsIncluded£0
Total for the year£2250
Year 2Details £ price
per month
2x 2mg tablets Cyproterone 50mg tablets
Blood testsEvery 6 months£200
Total for the year£1760
Year 3Details £ price
per month
2 x 2mg tablets Cyproterone 50mg tablets
Blood testsAnnually£100
Total for the year£1060


Jake 56 year old trans man

Treatment history: Jake socially transitioned 4 years ago and has been with a private provider for over 2 years.

Membership Option: 24+ Months Established History Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Jake clicked the link to join Anne Health. They then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire.

  • A team member reviewed his questionnaire and agreed he needed the 24+ Months Established History membership option. He was sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription. 

  • After receiving the membership payment, Jake received a link to pay for his blood test. Following payment, he was sent an email detailing how to book his blood test and a link to book his intake session with a member of the therapeutic team.

  • Once he had completed the intake process and we received the blood test from the partner lab, Jake was sent a link to book an appointment with the doctor.

  • Jake attended the session with the doctor, and they recommended medication in the form of injections to continue his existing medical treatment.

  • The doctor issued a prescription, and Jake chose to have a token sent to him via text so he could take this to a local pharmacist to dispense his medication.

  • He will have blood tests as specified by the doctor, and a doctor's appointment in six months. Ongoing doctor appointments will be annual. Prescriptions will be issued as needed.

Example estimated costs for Jake

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 joining fee + £50 pm£800
MedicationSustanon injections
based on one injection every 3 weeks
Blood testsEvery 4 months£270
Total for the year£1320
Year 2 onwardsDetails £ price
Membership£50 per month£600
MedicationSustanon injections
based on one injection every 3 weeks
Blood testsEvery 6 months£140
Total for the year£990


Angela, 14 year old trans girl

Treatment history: Angela socially transitioned 18 months ago and has been with a private provider for a year.

Membership Option: Standard Youth Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Angela’s parent/guardian clicked the link to join Anne Health. They then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire with Angela.

  • A team member reviewed her questionnaire and agreed she needed the Standard Membership option. Her parent/guardian was sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription. 

  • Following receipt of the payment, Angela’s parent/guardian received a link to book Angela’s blood test and intake sessions with a member of the therapeutic team.

  • Once Angela and her parent/guardian had completed the intake process and we received her blood test from the partner lab, Angela’s parent/guardian was sent a link to book an appointment with the doctor.

  • Angela and her parent/guardian attended the session with the doctor, and they recommended continuing medication in the form of injections to block testosterone. They agreed to review in 4 months to discuss adding gel to promote feminisation. 

  • For the blocker injections, Angela’s parent/guardian discussed and agreed upon the legal route for accessing this medication. The doctor issued a prescription for the blocker, and Angela's parent/guardian arranged to receive the medication.

  • Angela’s parent/guardian attends an injection training session with a registered nurse so they can safely give the injections. 

  • Angela will have another blood test and doctor's appointment in four months. They will have check-ins with the therapeutic team at four and eight months. Prescriptions will be issued as needed.

Example estimated costs for Angela

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 joining fee + £150 pm£2000
MedicationLeuprorelin injections
based upon 3 tubs every 3 months
Blood testsIncluded
Total for the year£2820
Year 2+ until age 18Details £ price
until age 18
MedicationLeuprorelin injections
based upon 4 tubs every 3 months
Blood testsIncluded
Total for the year£2100
From age 18+Details £ price
per month until age 18
MedicationLeuprorelin injections
based upon 4 tubs every 3 months
Blood testsAnnually£100
Total for the year£1600


Lance, 15 year old trans boy

Treatment history: Lance socially transitioned 5 years ago and wants to start his medical journey.

Membership Option: Standard Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Lance’s parents/guardians clicked the link to join Anne Health. They then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire with Lance.

  • A team member reviewed his questionnaire and agreed he needed the Standard membership option. His parents/guardians were sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription. 

  • Following receipt of the payment, Lance’s parents/guardians received a link to book Lance’s blood test and intake sessions with a member of the therapeutic team.

  • Once Lance and his parents/guardians had completed the intake process and we received his blood test from the partner lab, Lance’s parents/guardians were sent a link to book an appointment with the doctor.

  • Lance and his parents/guardians attended the session with the doctor, who recommended medication in the form of injections to block oestrogen and a low dose of gel to promote masculinisation. As Lance gets older, the doctor indicated that it may be advantageous to move to Sustanon injections, thereby removing the need for blocker injections.

  • The doctor issued a prescription for the gel, and Lance’s parents had a token sent to them so they could take this to a local pharmacist to dispense his medication. 

  • For the blocker injections, Lance’s parents discussed and agreed upon the legal route for accessing this medication for Lance. The doctor issued a prescription for the blocker.

  • Lance’s parents/guardians attended an injection training session with a nurse so they can safely give the injections. 

  • Lance will have another blood test and doctor's appointment in four months to discuss his progress. They will have check-ins with the therapeutic team at four and eight months. Prescriptions will be issued as needed.

Example estimated costs for Lance

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 joining fee + £150 pm£2000
MedicationLeuprorelin injections
Testogel (based upon 2 tubs every 3 months)
Blood testsIncluded
Total for the year£3050
Year 2Details £ price
per month until age 18
MedicationLeuprorelin injections
Testogel (based upon 3 tubs every 3 months)
Blood testsIncluded
Total for the year£2450
Once aged 18+Details £ price
per month
MedicationSustanon injections
(based on one injection every 3 weeks)
Blood testsAnnually£100
Total for the year£950


Anna, 65 year old trans woman

Treatment history: Anna socially transitioned 15 years ago and has been with a private provider for 8 years.

Membership Option: 24+ Months Established History Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Anna clicked the link to join Anne Health. She then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire.

  • A team member reviewed her questionnaire and agreed she needed the 24+ Months Established History membership option. She was sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription. 

  • Anna's GP is supportive and will do all monitoring blood tests. Once Anna's subscription payment was received she was sent a list of the required blood tests and a link to book the intake session/s with a member of the therapeutic team.

  • Once she had completed the intake process and we received the blood test from the GP, Anna was sent a link to book an appointment with the doctor.

  • Anna attended the session with the doctor, and they recommended medication in the form of patches to continue her existing medical treatment. 

  • The doctor issued a prescription, and Anna chose to have her medication delivered to her by one of the partner pharmacies.

  • The pharmacy sent her a payment link, which she paid, and her medication was posted directly.

  • She will have blood tests as specified by the doctor and a doctor's appointment in six months. Ongoing doctor appointments will be annual. Prescriptions will be issued as needed.

Example estimated costs for Anna

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 joining fee + £50 pm£800
MedicationEvorel patches£250
Blood testsEvery 6 months270
Total for the year1320
Year 2Details £ price
per month
MedicationEvorel patches£250
Blood testsEvery 6 months£140
Total for the year£990


Charlie, 32 year old non-binary person

Treatment history: Charlie socially transitioned 3 years ago and has been with a private provider for 6 months.
Membership Option: Standard Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Charlie clicked the link to join Anne Health. They then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire.

  • A team member reviewed their questionnaire and agreed they needed the Standard membership option. They were sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription. 

  • Following receipt of the payment, Charlie received a link to book their blood test and intake session/s with a member of the therapeutic team.

  • Once they had completed the intake process and we received their blood test from the partner lab, Charlie was sent a link to book an appointment with the doctor.

  • Charlie attended the session with the doctor, and they recommended medication in the form of gel to promote wellbeing and slow masculinisation. 

  • The doctor issued a prescription, and Charlie chose to have their medication delivered to them by one of the partner pharmacies.

  • The pharmacy sent them a payment link, which they paid, and their medication was posted directly.

  • They will have another blood test and doctor's appointment in four months. If they wish to, they can have check-ins with the therapeutic team at four and eight months. Prescriptions will be issued as needed.

Example estimated costs for Charlie

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 joining fee + £150 pm£2000
based upon 2 tubs every 3 months
Blood testsIncluded
Total for the year£2400
Year 2Details £ price
per month
based upon 2 tubs every 3 months
Blood testsEvery 6 months£140
Total for the year£1740
Year 3 onwardsDetails £ price
per month
based upon 2 tubs every 3 months
Blood testsAnnually£70
Total for the year£1070


Frank, 48 year old trans man

Treatment history: Frank socially transitioned 10 years ago and has been self medicating for 8 years.
Membership Option: Self Medicating Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Frank clicked the link to join Anne Health. He then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire.

  • A team member reviewed his questionnaire and agreed he needed the Self Medicating membership option. He was sent a link to pay the one-off fee for the blood test and consultation.

  • After receiving the payment, Frank received an email telling him how to book his blood test.

  • Once we received the blood test from the partner lab, Frank was sent a link to book an appointment with the nurse.

  • Frank attended the session with the nurse and received support regarding his most recent blood test results, treatment aims and goals, and any potential issues he might wish to discuss.

  • Frank has no ongoing monthly obligations and can contact us via clinic@anne.health as and when he wishes to book another assessment.

Example estimated costs for Frank

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 consultation fee£200
Blood testsIncluded
Total for the year£200
Year 2Details £ price
Membership£200 consultation fee£200
Blood testsIncluded
Total for the year£200


Harri, 10 year old non-binary person

Treatment history: Harri socially transitioned 3 years ago and is still exploring their gender identity.
Membership Option: Pre Medical Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Harri’s parents/guardians clicked the link to join Anne Health. They then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire.

  • A team member reviewed their questionnaire and agreed they needed the Pre Medical membership option. Harri’s parents/guardians were sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription.

  • Harri’s parents/guardians have access to the team for general queries and to discuss possibilities for Harri’s future options.

  • They can book a chargeable blood test at any point to check Harri's hormone levels. The clinical team will review these tests and advise if Harri has started puberty.

  • Harri’s parents can choose to move Harri’s membership to the Standard Membership as needed by alerting the team through email, webchat or a call.

Example estimated costs for Harri

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 membership setup 12 x £10 pm£320
Total for the year£320


Eddy, 26 year old non-binary person

Treatment history: Eddie socially transitioned 9 years ago and has been with a private provider for 6 years.
Membership Option: 24+ Months Established History Membership


  • After reviewing the membership options, Eddy clicked the link to join Anne Health. They then paid the £200 setup fee and received a link to complete the patient questionnaire.

  • A team member reviewed their questionnaire and agreed they needed the 24+ Months Established History membership option. They were sent a link to pay the first monthly subscription.

  • After receiving the membership payment, Eddy received a link to pay for their blood test. Following payment, they were sent an email detailing how to book their blood test and a link to book their intake session with a member of the therapeutic team.

  • Once they had completed the intake process and we received the blood test from the partner lab, Eddy was sent a link to book an appointment with the doctor.

  • Eddy attended the session with the doctor, and they recommended medication in the form of tablets to continue their existing medical treatment.

  • The doctor issued a prescription, and Eddy chose to have a token sent to them via text so they could take this to a local pharmacist to receive their medication.

  • Eddy will have blood tests as specified by the doctor, a doctor's appointment every six months, and then a review of their treatment plan every year. Prescriptions will be issued as needed.

Example estimated costs for Eddy

Year 1Details £ price
Membership£200 membership setup 12 x £50 pm£800
Medication costs*Progynova 2mg tablets£115
Blood tests**Every 6 months£270
Total for the year£1185
Year 1Details £ price
Membership12 x £50 per m£600
Medication costs*Progynova 2mg tablets£115
Blood tests**Every 6 months140
Total for the year£855