Puberty Blocker extension - our comment

People of all ages can access the healthcare they choose; travel tourism is not a new or novel idea. Doctors across the EU can prescribe to patients here in the UK, and patients can access treatment and have prescriptions dispensed in the EU. 

The government here are determined to make it harder for trans+ and non-binary people to access gender-affirming treatment, however, Anne will continue to support patients of all ages to access treatment in line with internationally respected and evidenced-based protocols. Our patients will continue to access expert medical advice and support and have their medications dispensed within the EU. 

Labour’s choice to remove Northern Ireland as an option for families accessing puberty blockers simply increases the costs and inconvenience for patients who will now travel further afield, increasing the inequity.

Once again, as with the original ban, trans+ youth have been deliberately targeted without consultation with those impacted. This updated legislation was signed off without the full support of the Northern Ireland Executive, which raises additional concerns about its motivation and legitimacy. We are deeply concerned about the motivations and callous lack of regard for how this will impact young people and their families. They deserve timely, effective access to gender-affirming healthcare, yet are being threatened with criminalisation if they seek it here in the UK. Politics has no place in medicine, and it is deeply shameful that this is happening.

I supported my child to access puberty blockers and, through personal experience, know how vital they are for transgender young people to thrive. Lizzie and I have years of experience supporting trans+ young people and see the NHS consistently failing these kids. This is why Anne exists. To support other families in navigating healthcare where their children have become political footballs, rather than patients.

Susie Green, Director of Anne

23rd August 2024


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